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Julia Altshuler Julia Altshuler is offline
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Default mild cheddar on pizza

I agree with the others who said that mozzarella is the correct cheese
for pizza and that cheddar should go elsewhere. But this leads to a
question: Why?

Blue cheese doesn't go on pizza because the flavor would clash with the
tartness of the tomato sauce. (I had to get "blues" out of the subject
line. It was bothering me there.)

If there's nothing intrinsically wrong with flavorwise with putting
cheddar together with tomato in Mexican cooking, why is it wrong to do
so on something that's Italian in its long-ago origins?

Mild cheddar is almost generic in its taste. It isn't strongly
anything, just creamy and cheesy.

How about a thin crusted pizza with tomato sauce, cumin, sour cream,
cilantro, avocado and mild cheddar?
