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Default The mild cheddar blues

On Mon, 30 Jun 2008 14:38:17 -0400, "Janet" >

>"Michel Boucher" > wrote in message
>> blake murphy > wrote in
>> :
>>>>So what exactly *is* government cheese?
>>> it's surplus cheese formerly given to the poor (a class bobo
>>> desperately fears he will fall into if he hasn't already).

>>'s cheese. What has the fact that it's distributed by the
>> government have anything to do with it?

>Government surplus cheese is, I believe, what is typically known as
>"American" cheese. In otherwords, not anything that anyone with a
>functioning tastebud, in the US or out, recognizes as "cheese."

Someone gave me a hunk once a billion years ago. Maybe things have
changed, but I thought it was *very* good. Definitely not American
cheese... more like an unaged cheddar. It was softish but still
sliceable, with a very mild and creamy taste.

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Mae West