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Janet Wilder[_1_] Janet Wilder[_1_] is offline
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Default Boston Bakes Beans

Dimitri wrote:
> A few years ago my BIL was able to find an un-cracked McCoy bean pot
> which he gave me as a present.
> Over the past few years I have been experimenting and trying to come up
> with the right formula for BBB.
> Last Thursday I started a batch for a pot luck Saturday.
> So here goes.
> Soak 2 pounds of small white beans on plenty of water overnight.
> The next afternoon dice a 12 ounce package of salt pork, change the
> soaking water, and add the diced salt pork.
> Bring the beans and pork to a simmer and remove from the heat. Let stand
> for several hours ( it doesn't matter how long)
> Drain the mess in a colander.
> Place 1 medium onion (pealed but whole) into the bottom of the bean pot.
> Add the beans/salt pork mixture.
> Add 1 heaping teaspoon of Coleman's dry mustard
> Add 2/3 rds cup of hearty molasses
> Add 2/3 rds cup of Dark brown sugar
> a dash of pepper.
> Fill the pot with water
> Start cooking - covered for about 36 hours @ 230 to 250 degrees.
> Check each 6 hours or so siring and adding more water if necessary.
> For the last 6 hours remove the onion, & cook uncovered adding 1/4
> cup of bread crumbs to the top and stir lightly to allow a crust to form.

Thanks for that. I saved it. I'm making a big batch of baked beans for a
pot luck on July 4th, though I'll be using the crockery cooker instead
of the oven. I like the proportions of molasses, sugar and mustard in
your recipe so I'll give it a try.

I soak my beans overnight then cook them with bacon before I crock-cook
them. I just substitute the slow-cooker for the oven. Uses less
electricity and keeps the kitchen cooler.

Janet Wilder
Bad spelling. Bad punctuation
Good Friends. Good Life