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Giusi[_2_] Giusi[_2_] is offline
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Default mild cheddar on pizza

"Nancy Young" > ha scritto nel messaggio
> "Julia Altshuler" > wrote
>>I agree with the others who said that mozzarella is the correct cheese for
>>pizza and that cheddar should go elsewhere. But this leads to a question:

> To me cheddar is way heavier than mozzarella. It works for
> mac n cheese, but I would not want that melted on my pizza.
> nancy

Another part of it is that mozzarella is a fresh cheese, well, not so much
that rubbery stuff you can grate, but you know-- and cheddar is an aged
cheese, although often not aged enough for me. I do miss it, but not for

Has the OP not left the building?