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notbob notbob is offline
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Default mild cheddar on pizza

On 2008-06-30, Default User > wrote:

> Whaaat? No way. The various forms of cheddar haven't changed
> significantly since I was a kid, that's like 40 years.

You must have had crummy cheddar from the get-go. The first time I ever
tried Tillamook (I once lived about 70 miles from their plant) it was in a
big ol' room-temp wheel of cheese, like the old general store. They cut off
a slice and sent me on my way. You ever seen that? I didn't think so.
I've been eating cheddar for about 55 yrs. Most of it is crap for a very
simple reason. Greed is more powerful than quality. Who ages cheddar for
4-5 yrs anymore? You tell me, I'll buy it.
