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Michel Boucher[_2_] Michel Boucher[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 62
Default The mild cheddar blues

"Nancy Young" > wrote in news:e_KdnXrvi4RQ-

>>> Being an army brat, you know I grew up on the stuff. It was good.

>> What'd the Army do- issue it to the soldiers as punishment??
>> Thankfully my husband was never given any, if it is as bad as everyone
>> says?

> It wasn't bad! It was very good American cheese. Similar to the
> expensive Kraft Deluxe cheese.

Ok, so those who have tasted it say it's good (de gustibus etc.) but there
seems to persist a notion that Gummint Cheese is bad. Probably those who
say that never had any and associate said cheese with an undesirable state
of life, sort of like the ultimate C&W song (car broke, dog died,
girlfriend cheated on him, and to top it off, gummint cheese!).

In Québec, there was a turluteuse in the 1930's called La Bolduc, a self-
taught musician and composer. She went from housewife to being the most
popular singer alive in Québec, the first to be able to earn a living from
record sales alone, all in the space of two years and performed for the
following ten years even through chemotherapy for a malignant tumour (of
which she died).

Her real name was Mary Waters (no, not the D-cup model) and she sang among
other things very popular songs aimed at educating people to: go to the
doctor, eat vegetables and fish, be frugal (it WAS during the depression),
be moderate drinkers...

La Bolduc would have told the people to eat the cheese and stop whining :-)