zylitol - OT
On Jun 30, 8:24*am, "Michael \"Dog3\"" > wrote:
> Bobo Bonobo® > *news:d387d55a-f693-42d9-8399-
> : in rec.food.cooking
> > The dog wasn't damaged, merely put into a bit of discomfort. *In war,
> > there's almost always some collateral damage, and I'd say if one can
> > limit it to an hour or two of unpleasantness, with no lasting effects,
> > that's doing pretty good. *The unpleasantness suffered by the owners
> > however, is a thing of beauty and justice.
> War? Well... we're just different. War to me is our current status in
> Iraq.
War is also when people put shit out into the space we all share.
> > I'd also suggest that if you love animals so much that their well
> > being trumps that of humans, that you should give up eating meat. *
> You can suggest anything you like.
I can call you out on inconsistentsies. Tell me what makes a dog more
worthy than a pig.
> > Are you a human that prefers "doing damage to a helpless animal" over
> > giving up pork roast? *That's not a rhetorical question.
> Nope. I'm not giving up my pork roast. It's called the food chain and I'm
> at the top of it. *I'll eat what I please. *I choose not to eat house
> pets. Pork is farmed for my consumption in this country. *Dog is not.
Claiming that your country's norms are a moral standard is putting
yourself in the same logical justification category as the Hitler
Youth. Please tell the person you've accused of cowardice how the dog
is more worthy of *rights* than the pig.
I've fought a dog, not by choice mind you, but because the dog's owner
was sloppy enough to let an American Bull Terrier off a leash. I won,
partly because I delivered six well placed punches to its head, and
also because she finally restrained the beast, all the while saying
shit like, "Spuds, don't hurt my Spuds."
Your affection for your own companion animals is fine, but anyone who
argues that dogs deserve a higher regard than pigs better make a
better case for it than relying on social norms or in the long run,
Usenet will find you more lacking than me. The Nazis dehumanized
Jews, homosexuals, et al, and heck, while we're at it, the Jews stoned
sexual deviants to death in Old Testament times.
It is true that the dog has a different historical relationship with
*us*, HUMANS, than the pig, but look at the injustices of history that
were very recently, VERY RECENTLY in the context of history, taken as
givens. The Loving case for example (inter-racial marriage).
You really want to challenge me? Really? You really want to
charachterize me as cowardly?
> > Besides, like the road trip to WI, where only cash was used, and
> > cameras left at home, no one has any way of knowing for certain what I
> > actually did, or did not do.
> Ahhhh... But now all of Usenet knows Bryan.
They have for quite a few years, dude, and quite a few individuals
have failed to follow up with a logical argument that put me in what
they thought was my proper place. Are you the courageous one? Not
likely. You'll let this thread die. Prove me wrong. I challenge
you. I call you out. You who typed the word "cowardly,"
> Michael