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hahabogus hahabogus is offline
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Default Revere wear care questions

Janet Wilder > wrote in news:48698a66$0$30613

> hahabogus wrote:
>> If you want good heat distribution get an induction range.

> Question: What makes an induction range different from the glass top
> electric range I have. They look alike in the pictures.

They may look alike but so does a plaster of parris chicken and a rubber
chicken...a wax banana and a plastic one. A picture of tea and realty.

The induction top is powered by electricity but the electricity is used
to create a magnatic field not heat directly... a fast spinning magnetic
field produces the heat inside the ferrous pan bottom not by contact with
a hot burner. It is as fast as gas for on off and increment heat control,
but more efficient fuel wise. The burner never gets hot...the only heat
outside of the pan is reflected heat, reflected back from the pan. Very
fine heat adjustments can be made, turn it on to the setting you choose
and that is the heat you get, immediately; throughout the entire pan
bottom. Some induction hotplates are used in business cafeterias for a
reduction in insurance rates. If you want say a slow simmer you can get
it pretty close once you are familar with the unit. It is a true joy to
scramble eggs on the unit as an even heat is applied to the entire pan

Now the ceramic topped stove works through electrically produced
resistance in the burner not the pan and takes time to get the pan to
temp and the burner gets hot and reflects heat to the pan to cook stuff.
The burner isn't producing an even heat all over you pan bottom and
doesn't produce as fine a temperture control as gas. I've never owed one
of these but hear they suck for simmering and only have the coarsest of
temp control; as they constantly are turning on and off.

I only have a induction hot can turn on the burner and put
your hand on it without getting burned. If you cook say scrambled eggs
and then put your hand on the will get burned..due to the
heat reflecting back from the pan. The induction works only with magnetic
pots and pans that is to say pans that stick to a magnate.

Just having the stove on isn't a fire hazard as no heat without a proper
type pot. The hotplate comes with timer so you can select cooking time
length. So if you start cooking; it will turn off on time out; if left
unattended. The burner beeps when turned on until a proper ferrous pan is
put on it. The damned thing has a cooling fan. I've had mine for several
years now and am quite happy with it and it is probably outdated as to
features etc as well as it was a cheapie unit when I bought it.

In summary an electric stove produces a heated burner which heats a pan
thru direct contact, which in turn heats your food thru direct contact.
An electric induction burner produces a magnetic field which creates heat
in the pan bottom, which heats your food thru direct contact.

Drawbacks ..not all types of metal pans will work...if a magnet won't
stick to the won't work on the induction burner. And they are
pricey for a range unit.

Benifits...very fast on/off and incremental temp control and a little
more fuel efficient. Plus safer from a fire POV.


The house of the burning beet-Alan