Thread: Square milk!
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Wayne Boatwright[_3_] Wayne Boatwright[_3_] is offline
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Default Square milk!

On Tue 01 Jul 2008 05:05:56a, Nancy Young told us...

> I was in Costco yesterday and came across a strange
> sight ... palettes of milk sitting outside the cooler. I did
> a double take to see that it really was milk without it
> clicking that something was odd about it. Odd enough
> for me to think, is that really milk? if that makes any sense.
> It's the new square containers. Seems they cost less to
> ship, and use less labor somehow, saving some 15 cents
> a container.
> nancy

In Cleveland, at least, back in the 70s-80s or so, they had square quart
waxed cardboard containers. The tops were flat (not like "peak-roof" style
of today). The cartons opened at the one of the corners.

Wayne Boatwright
Tuesday, 07(VII)/01(I)/08(MMVIII)
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