Thread: Square milk!
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Kajikit[_2_] Kajikit[_2_] is offline
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Default Square milk!

On Tue, 1 Jul 2008 08:05:56 -0400, "Nancy Young" >

>I was in Costco yesterday and came across a strange
>sight ... palettes of milk sitting outside the cooler. I did
>a double take to see that it really was milk without it
>clicking that something was odd about it. Odd enough
>for me to think, is that really milk? if that makes any sense.
>It's the new square containers. Seems they cost less to
>ship, and use less labor somehow, saving some 15 cents
>a container.

Those milk containers were in the NYT yesterday... what I don't get is
how they say that the milk will be 'fresher' because it takes a few
hours less to package it it up and deliver it to the stores - but
they'll only be delivering milk to the store once a week instead of
every second day... seems to me that it'll only be 'fresher' if you
get to it on the day it's delivered, otherwise it'll be just the same
or older!