Square milk!
jmcquown wrote:
> Sky wrote:
>> Nancy Young wrote:
>>> It's the new square containers. Seems they cost less to
>>> ship, and use less labor somehow, saving some 15 cents
>>> a container.
>> This must've been interesting news, because I saw this very thing
>> about the square milk jugs last night on the local (or was it
>> national?) evening TV news yesterday. The news droids reported that
>> there seems to be a problem with these new square bottles (is that an
>> oxymoron?) because they're very ackward to use and cause inadvertent
>> spillage when the milk is poured.
> I haven't seen (looked for) the square milk containers. What sort of
> pour spout do they have? What would make pouring the milk so
> difficult? I'm imagining something akin to the cartons of chicken
> broth; no trouble pouring that stuff out without spilling it.
I don't know. I noticed them practicing how to pour it on Good Morning
America, so I guess there's an issue.