Thread: Square milk!
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Sheldon Sheldon is offline
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Default Square milk!

On Jul 1, 9:51�am, "jmcquown" > wrote:
> mequeenbe.nospam wrote:
> > George wrote:

> >> Its to maximize the amount of product that can be shipped/stored etc
> >> in a given volume. High fuel prices cause a lot of rethinking. I
> >> walked by the liquid detergent aisle the other day and they had some
> >> significant signage declaring everything is now 2x concentrated.
> >> Costs a lot of money to ship watered down detergent so now they are
> >> leaving half the water out.

> > be careful with the new stuff, we got some and i used half a cap for a
> > load of clothes, and had to rinse the clothes three extra times to get
> > all of the suds out! �next time i'll use even less product.

> > harriet & critters is cooler azusa

> Are you supposed to dilute the product first?

It's kind of pointless to dilute a cleaning product with water before
adding it to water.

There are various factors involved in dertermining how much laundry
product to use, the size of the tub, to what water level it's filled,
how much clothing adn how soiled, and mostly water hardness... the
softer the water the less cleaning product that's needed... with
softened water all cleaning product use can be cut to less than half
the recommended amount... the money saved on using less cleaning
product more than pays for the water softener... your bottle of
shampoo will give double use, and with soft water it all rinses out,
clothing containing cleaners is not really clean, in fact the original
body schmutz is far less harmful than the cleaning chemicals that
remain. Bathing with hard water is not really bathing at all, in fact
hard water is what keeps the Dermatologists in business. Americans
have the highest incidence of skin cancers, mostly because they bathe
more frequently, they use more body cleaning products than anyone
else, and they use hard water... when they leave the bath their bodies
are polluted with chemicals. No matter how much you rinse with hard
water those cleaning products remain. So what's the point of if after
bathing your body is polluted, and putting on freshly laundered
clothes that are charged with laundry chemicals