Thread: Square milk!
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Julia Altshuler Julia Altshuler is offline
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Default Square milk!

Sky wrote:
> This isn't exactly the best photo, but at least it's a depiction:
> I used the search string "plastic square jug milk gallon new costco"
> (without the quote symbols) in the Google Images area.

Thanks. It looks a little different but not wildly so. I can see that
being able to pack the milk jugs into a refrigerated truck would help
with the fuel cost of the refrigeration.

It's the same principle we use at home when we leave a bag of ice in an
otherwise not full freezer. Each time the door is opened, cold air
rushes out, hot air rushes in, and the refrigerator has to use energy to
make it cold again. If the freezer is packed full, that happens on a
much lower scale.

It must be the same with milk on a refrigerated truck. If all the
needs-to-be-kept-cold stuff is kept packed tightly together in one
place, it can stay colder as the truck makes its rounds. Also, if one
truck can hold more bottles of milk, then of course, you don't need 2
trucks to deliver the same amount of milk.
