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kilikini kilikini is offline
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Default The mild cheddar blues

jmcquown wrote:
> Julia Altshuler wrote:

> Everyone says it's great but I don't think pineapple belongs on a
> pizza.

Maybe I'm weird, but I *love* pineapple on pizza. One of my favorite pizzas
was: fresh spinach, sliced fresh tomato, fresh chunky garlic, pineapple
chunks, and black olive. Oh and mushrooms! I can't eat a pizza without
mushrooms. :~)

>> In my opinion, none of the seafood belongs on pizza. We tried the
>> clams. The flavor didn't work.

> I tend to agree. I adore seafood but can't imagine it on pizza. I
> don't know about the anchovies (too salty) but the other seafood on
> the list is far too easy to overcook (into an expensive form of
> rubber).

A clam and garlic pizza is excellent. It doesn't have a red sauce; it
doesn't even really *have* a sauce - other than like an herb butter. It's
basically garlic and clams on bread with a touch of parmesan. Think of
eating steamers in a garlic broth and then dipping a crusty bread into the
broth. Same thing, sort of, just a different way of serving it.
