Thread: Square milk!
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ChattyCathy ChattyCathy is offline
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Default Square milk!

Blinky the Shark wrote:

> Nancy Young wrote:
>>> I haven't seen (looked for) the square milk containers. What sort of
>>> pour spout do they have? What would make pouring the milk so
>>> difficult? I'm imagining something akin to the cartons of chicken
>>> broth; no trouble pouring that stuff out without spilling it.

>> I don't know. I noticed them practicing how to pour it on Good Morning
>> America, so I guess there's an issue.

> I guess it was a slow news day.


We've had something very similar here for years, but I only see the 1 or 2
liter size containers in our stores. The picture that was posted looked a
bit bigger - dunno. We get both the 'square' and 'rectangular' shapes. The
latter 2 liter containers are a PITA because they don't fit nicely in the
standard fridge door shelving size we get - you have to put them
in 'sideways' or they don't fit - so they take up more space...
Chatty Cathy

Egg tastes better when it's not on your face...