Thread: Square milk!
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Default Square milk!

On Tue, 01 Jul 2008 07:12:10 -0500, George Shirley
> wrote:

>Nancy Young wrote:
>> I was in Costco yesterday and came across a strange
>> sight ... palettes of milk sitting outside the cooler. I did
>> a double take to see that it really was milk without it clicking that
>> something was odd about it. Odd enough for me to think, is that really
>> milk? if that makes any sense.
>> It's the new square containers. Seems they cost less to ship, and use
>> less labor somehow, saving some 15 cents
>> a container.
>> nancy

>Let's see, when I was a boy in the forties and fifties, milk came in
>round glass bottles, a little later it came in square waxed cardboard
>containers, still later yet it came in round plastic or square plastic
>containers. (Well, sort of square, the squares had rounded corners.) Now
>it's going back to square containers.

I'm totally confused. Got a visual? How are Nancy's square
containers different from the square containers with rounded corners?
Are her corners actually 90° angles, like the waxed cardboard box? If
the containers are perfect squares, how is it poured?

>It's a conspiracy by the big milk producers to get us to buy more milk.
>Yeah, that's it.

Size is always the conspiracy (Supersize? No, I want small). I want
to buy a 1/2 pint of buttermilk. It only comes in quarts and no local
grocery I've checked carries powdered buttermilk anymore.

I never worry about diets. The only carrots that interest me are the number of carats in a diamond.

Mae West