On Jul 1, 11:06 am, "Dominic T." > wrote:
> On Jun 30, 1:09 pm, Stefan > wrote:
> > hi.. i just wanted to know if there is any recommended source where i
> > can order decent to high quality high mountain oolong teas directly from
> > taiwan or china.. the coolest thing would be directly from the farm of
> > course..
> > kind regards, stefan
> Teaspring, Jings, and eBay tend to be my first stops when hunting...
> then from there I either rely on friends or luck. None of these are
> straight from the farm, but they are from in country. The bad part is
> that I have had excellent tea show up on eBay and then after a month
> the seller is gone leaving me wanting more. There are other good
> internet vendors if you search the archives, I do from time to time
> and occasionally I'll come across a gem or two.
> - Dominic
I usually buy my oolongs from