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notbob notbob is offline
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Default mild cheddar on pizza

On 2008-07-01, sf <> wrote:
> He's been in a bad mood ever since he left California.



Funny, but pure fantasy.

CA dairy farms are filthy, muddy, hideous places that are pure torture for
the cows. There are no barns or green pastures and the cows live outdoors
in small 1 acre pens continually standing, up to their knees, in their own
dung. In fact, dairy farms produce so much cow dung, it can't be disposed
of and dairy farms must store it as huge 3-4 story high mounds, covered by
plastic sheet and old car tires. Most farms have more than one and they
dominate a dairy farm's landscape. The cows are pumped full of anti-biotics
and other chemicals to fight the disease from constant immersion in their
own waste and infections allegedly aggravated by BGH. It's really gross.
BTW, as I understand it, those happy cow commercials are actually filmed in

I like milk and I eat beef, but CA dairy farms are beyond grim. If you have
a weak stomach, you don't want to see a California dairy cow in its natural
