On Cumin and Kummel
On Jun 30, 2:31 pm, "Michael Kuettner" > wrote:
> "Sheldon" schrieb :
> > Cumin is particularly popular in Middle Eastern, Asian and
> > Mediterranean cooking. Among other things, it's used to make curries,
> > chili powders and K?MMEL LIQUEUR.
> Nope. Kuemmel-Likoer is made with caraway seeds.
> Kuemmel = caraway seed
> Kreuzkuemmel = cumin.
> > ? Copyright Barron's Educational Services, Inc. 1995 based on THE FOOD
> > LOVER'S COMPANION, 2nd edition, by Sharon Tyler Herbst.
> Cheers,
> Michael Kuettner
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Sheldon is correct:
Kummel (KIHM-uh; KOO-muhl) Created in Holland and now also produced
in Germany, kummel is a colorless liqueur flavored with a panoply of
herbs and seeds including caraway, cumin and fennel. Its name comes
from the midle-high German kummel which means "cumin seed" -
Copyright Barron's Educational Services, Inc. 1995 based on THE FOOD
LOVER'S COMPANION, 4th edition, by Sharon Tyler Herbst.
Lynn in Fargo
( who has been using kummel and caraway interchangeably for many
Thank you Sheldon