OT- Low GI sugar- diabetes
Goomba wrote:
> Julia Altshuler wrote:
> > Steve Pope wrote:
> >>
> >> My own guess is that general obesity, HFCS in particular, and a large
> >> volume of prescription drugs that can cause diabetes are behind it.
> >
> >
> > Which prescription drugs cause diabetes?
> >
> >
> > --Lia
> >
> Steroids raise the blood sugar, but with *most* folks it is just
> temporary as they don't take them routinely. This isn't "diabetes" per
> se, but in the hospital we'll often treat them with some insulin anyway
> as evidence is that controlled blood sugars lessen infection and help
> healing progress.
Aha...that makes sense. While I was in hospital in 2007, I was being
given insulin (in tiny doses). Never having had high blood sugar in my
life (and still don't), assumed it was because of all the
glucose-containg drips administered. But there may have been other
medicines administered that raised the blood glucose too. There was
never a suggestion that diabetes was in the picture.