Source for Hight Mountain Oolong Teas directly from China/Taiwan?
On Jul 1, 2:05 pm, TokyoB > wrote:
> On Jun 30, 1:09 pm, Stefan > wrote:
> > hi.. i just wanted to know if there is any recommended source where i
> > can order decent to high quality high mountain oolong teas directly from
> > taiwan or china.. the coolest thing would be directly from the farm of
> > course..
> > kind regards, stefan
> I also buy at Hou De, Shan Shui. In addition I buy oolongs from
> TeaMasters
> Seven Cups Tea is good too.
I left our Hou De in my initial reply, but definitely they are on my
list. As for Teamasters, I just don't get the concept or how to go
about ordering anything from him. I'd be happy to hear how the process
goes though.
- Dominic