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Wayne Boatwright[_3_] Wayne Boatwright[_3_] is offline
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Default Boston Bakes Beans

On Tue 01 Jul 2008 02:46:58p, Lou Decruss told us...

> On Tue, 1 Jul 2008 14:17:04 -0700, "Dimitri" >
> wrote:
>>> But there's a distinct difference in the desired outcome of Boston

>>> beans and pinto beans. I totally agree with the reason Dimitri does

>>> use a slow cooker for this.
>>> As far as slow cookers go, I have two of them and only rarely use

>>> one, primarily because even when I "adjust" recipes to cook in them,

>>> rarely excited about the results. There's something to be said for the
>>> radiant dry heat of an oven.
>>> --
>>> Wayne Boatwright

>>Right you are.
>>IMHO the difference is a moist cooking environment or a dry environment.
>>It's a whole different set of rules.
>>It's just like the difference between barbeque and grilling.

> Very interesting. Thanks to you both.
> Lou

You're welcome, Lou. Having said what I did previously, I also should say
that a moist cooking environment for cooking pinto beans is probably much
more desirable. My aunt frequently cooked pintos with a ham hock, although
in a covered pot on top of the stove, as that pre-dated slow cookers.

Wayne Boatwright
Tuesday, 07(VII)/01(I)/08(MMVIII)
Today is: Canada Day
Oh for the wings of any bird, other
than a battery hen...