Lost all my recipes
On Tue 01 Jul 2008 03:02:53p, blake murphy told us...
> On Tue, 01 Jul 2008 00:41:11 GMT, Wayne Boatwright
> > wrote:
>>On Mon 30 Jun 2008 11:51:51a, Nancy Young told us...
>>> "Serene Vannoy" > wrote
>>>> Nancy Young wrote:
>>>>> "Blinky the Shark" > wrote
>>>>>> Jean B. wrote:
>>>>>>> Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>>>>>>>>> And I agree about recipes we have tinkered to perfection.
>>>>>>>>> I no longer have a steel-trap mind! <g>
>>>>>>>> Neither do I. :-)
>>>>>>> Sad, isn't it? Actually, there are some nice things about it
>>>>>> New friends every day!
>>>>> And the jokes are always as funny as the first time!
>>>> And you can hide your own Easter eggs!
>>> (laugh!) That's right, think of the bright side.
>>> nancy
>>But it's sad when you don't remember your cat's name.
> don't worry. the cat's definitely got your number.
> your pal,
> blake
I'd say all five of them have my number. Our smallest cat is the one they
send to tell me when it's time to feed them. He's pretty accurate, too, as
to the usual time.
Wayne Boatwright
Tuesday, 07(VII)/01(I)/08(MMVIII)
Today is: Canada Day
Sex is a conversation carried out by
other means. (Peter Ustinov)