Do You Recycle Your Cans?
> I've been to Houston a few times and was lost constantly. I had no
> clue where I was at...ever. Chicago has most roads running n-s/e-w.
> Seemed Houston was just big circles. Kinda like Winston-Salem
> Lou
In Houston you need dead reckoning and almost have been to born here to
figure it out.
I was born in Chicago (Evanston actually) and left when I was just 14.
Other than a few trips back as a teenager and then later on business (mostly
saw O'Hare) I really didn't get back until a few years ago.
On my last trip back we stayed on Michigan Avenue in the loop. A friend
drove us around, but after ALL those years I was actually able to direct him
to the apartment building where we lived for my first 14 years. After all
that time I still knew Chicago!
Chris who used to spend almost every Saturday at Art Institute