Do You Recycle Your Cans?
Cheryl wrote:
> "Michael "Dog3"" > wrote in message
> . ..
>> "Dimitri" >
>> : in
>>> 1. Simple he was waiting for the recycle value to go from 2 for 5
>>> cents to 5 cents each.
>>> 2. He just doubled his money.
>>> 3. The man is investing in commodities - Aluminum!
>>> 4. Idonnknnow!
>> I think #4 wins. If I was slightly more interested I'd look up how much a
>> single aluminum can brings.
> I was picking up aluminum cans from the community to help fund raise for a
> local animal rescuer. The first haul she took to the scrap metal place was
> 94 pounds and she got about $35 US for it. Hardly made it worthwhile
> running around picking up cans, PLUS having to crush them, from those saving
> for us. That haul looks like it might bring in $100? At least enough to
> replenish some of the brew supply. ;-)
We save our aluminum cans for the Humane Society. DH is a volunteer
there. We save the pull tabs from the cans for a friend who collects
them for some charity in NM. We also bring them paper from the shredder.
They use it in cages.
I recycle newspaper, plastic grocery bags, magazines, computer paper,
plastic bottles and milk jugs and cardboard. I do not recycle steel cans
because it takes too much water to clean them up to recycle them.
I'd recycle glass, but there are no collectors here.
Janet Wilder
Bad spelling. Bad punctuation
Good Friends. Good Life