Thread: Dinner tonight
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Serene Vannoy Serene Vannoy is offline
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Default Dinner tonight

Carin wanted meatloaf. I don't keep much meat in the house, so I told
her if she bought the meat and potatoes, I'd make meatloaf and potatoes.
She jumped at that deal.

Didn't use a recipe, but I used the meat she brought (1 pound Italian
sausage and 1.75 pounds ground beef) and mixed it with some eggs,
parmesan cheese, ketchup, oats, salt, and pepper. James and Carin NEED
their meatloaf to be topped with ketchup, and I don't care, so it'll be
topped with ketchup in the last half hour of cooking. We'll see how it
turns out. For the potatoes, I sliced them and layered them in a
buttered pan with onions, butter, salt, and pepper, then poured a
mixture of buttermilk and whole-milk yogurt over the top. Going to add
cheese to the top at the end of cooking.

I didn't get to the store today, so this will be a rare meal -- no green
veggies in sight. Oh, wait, I think I have some romaine in the fridge
and a couple tomatoes in the fruit bowl...

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