Thread: Dinner tonight
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Serene Vannoy Serene Vannoy is offline
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Default Dinner tonight

Wayne Boatwright wrote:
> On Tue 01 Jul 2008 06:24:42p, Serene Vannoy told us...
>> For the potatoes, I sliced them and layered them in a
>> buttered pan with onions, butter, salt, and pepper, then poured a
>> mixture of buttermilk and whole-milk yogurt over the top. Going to add
>> cheese to the top at the end of cooking.

> Sounds like a very nice homey meal, Serene. I like sausage in meatloaf.
> I'd like to make those potatoes. Did you add enough buttermilk/yogurt to
> cover, or?

No, just what I had on hand, which was a pint of buttermilk and about a
pint of yogurt. It didn't cover the potatoes, but it came close to the
top. I covered the baking dish for the first 45 minutes or so, and now
I've added two kinds of cheese to the top and I'm cooking them another
15-30 minutes until they're done.

I'm going to do the meat loaf until it's 160F in the middle unless
someone tells me to do it differently. I don't cook meat much.


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