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Nexis Nexis is offline
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Default Cheating

"Dimitri" > wrote in message
> Cheating - I prefer to call it "tricks of the trade' or Tricks in the
> Kitchen.
> Ok you've goofed and made a little error - flexible cooking is the ability
> to correct your mistakes before they become a big error and you have to
> call for Pizza delivery.
> As example:
> Too much salt - they say to add a potato. (I don't think it works)

It does, somewhat...but it takes more than one potato.
Really, I think the only way to correct oversalting is adding more volume.

> You've misjudged the amount of liquid in your pasta sauce. If you serve
> it like that you'll have red water separating from the meat. What to
> do. - Simple thicken the sauce with some bread crumbs.

Or, if you have the time, just simmer until it reduces. Works with any
sauce, too. Also, for pasta sauce, adding some parmesan cheese helps as

> Your potatoes are starting to sprout - poke them with a fork and cook them
> on the nuker then refrigerate and you can use them for home fries.

Around here, potatoes that sprout would go into the ground! But since I
became diabetic, we don't have potatoes around our house much.

> What do you have in your bag of tricks ?

> Old Scoundrel
> (AKA Dimitri)

If you add too much spice, a bit of dairy can go a long way...cream or sour
cream, depending on the recipe. Of course, that doesn't work for every dish!
Another one that works good for salsa when your chiles are hotter than you
expected is adding lime and extra cilantro to cut the heat.

A tiny bit of a slurry or roux will prevent cream sauces from
breaking/curdling. If it's already broken, reduce a bit of cream and whisk
into the sauce.

And this is just a tip, not necessarily a fix:
Freeze tea in an ice cube tray in the summer...keeps your iced tea nice and
cold without diluting the flavor. You can do the same with lemonade and
coffee. Another good one is to puree strawberries or raspberries with a
sprinkle of sugar and freeze in the tray to add to lemonade. Delicious!
