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Van[_2_] Van[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 68
Default What do you like to drink when it's hot?

"Nexis" > wrote in message
>I am an iced tea gal. I drink it year round, and have for as long as I can
>remember. Lately, though, because of some medication I'm taking, tea tastes
>off to me, no matter which tea I use. Some days I can drink it, but some,
>not so much. Ice water is good, but lately I find myself wanting something
> What do you like to drink in the summer when it's good and hot outside?

Regular plain old iced tea for me. No lemon, Unsweetened. All day long.

Of course later in the day, Sheldon has the right idea. Except too much
grapefruit juice can 'loosen' one's digestive system.

So, I generally prefer LOTS of ice with much Scotch.
