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Julia Altshuler Julia Altshuler is offline
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Posts: 1,675
Default What do you like to drink when it's hot?

I've wondered about this. When the temperature is lower than 80
degrees, I drink water when I'm thirsty. Plain, ordinary, room
temperature water, straight from the kitchen faucet. As it goes higher,
I crave carbonated soda, usually gingerale. Ten months can go by, and I
have no use for soda at all, see other people drinking it and don't
understand. Then as it gets hotter, it's like I can't live without it.

One friend explained that there's something in the carbonation that
helps us asorb the water faster or more efficiently. That didn't make
sense to me, but it's the only thing that explains how I can go from
finding a drink totally unappealing to the only thing I want in about 10
