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Lou Decruss[_2_] Lou Decruss[_2_] is offline
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Default Who was Buffy Lyer and Sheryl Ann's creator?

On Wed, 2 Jul 2008 10:04:27 -0500, "Gregory Morrow"
> wrote:

>> How are things, Rosie? ?Are you still a guide at those Indian burial

>> in southern Illinois...???
>> --
>> Best
>> Greg

>Things are great, I am not a guide but a worker bee, I am not digging
>now but working in the lab, sorting , cataloging and taking care of
>the finds, am pretty tired. It has been a good summer, we have made
>some great finds, and the weather has cooperated- no flooding in our
>I have had a great summer!! Thanks for asking!
>Good to hear, Rosie, your work sounds interesting...
>When I was a kid I went to Methodist church camp in the summer and one of
>our trips was to those Indian burial mounds. I was freaked out by the sight
>of skeletons so it was kinda nerve - wracking to see...
>The most interesting thing was to visit an open - pit coal mine down around
>there, seeing all the HUGE shovels and trucks 'n stuff...

Southern Illinois does have some cool stuff. I did my share of
partying in the parks in the 70's. I knew a group of guys that would
drop acid and go watch dragon fights. Acid and I didn't mix, but they
all had fun.
>Fun fact 'o the day: Illinois has huge coal reserves, exceeded only by
>several western states...IIRC there is enough coal in Illinois alone to meet
>*all* the projected energy needs of the whole US for the next 500 years.

I'm sure there's all kinds of factoids governments and big business
don't want us to know.
