Thread: Square milk!
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Nancy Young Nancy Young is offline
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Default Square milk!

Sheldon wrote:
> On Jul 1, 10:05�am, "Nancy Young" > wrote:
>> Sheldon wrote:
>>> Why not just buy powdered milk/detergent?

>> I am *not* buying powdered milk.

> My reply was regarding the shipping costs for water... so what about
> the powdered detergent. I much prefer the powdered laundry detergent,
> costs significantly less for more, it weighs less... I'm not paying
> for plastic jugs, cardboard cartons cost much less. And if ever an
> unfortunate spillage accident I can scoop/vacuum up powder... if a
> gallon of liquid tips over use your imagination.

For years I used powdered detergent. I have not looked lately, so
for all I know, something's changed, but liquid detergent seems to
have taken over the entire display in the stores. I got tired of buying
small boxes and made the switch. I buy those large containers of
All in the white variety, though right now I have the Kirkland brand.
They sit on the dryer and have a spigot. I use about the same size
scoop or smaller of the liquid that I did of the powdered.

> I don't drink much milk, but I do buy it for cooking and my cats like
> it occasionally, but mostly they prefer evap. And I always have some
> powdered milk on hand, comes in very handy for cooking especially when
> there isn't enough whole milk or it has soured.

Okay, I can understand that, but it's just not for me. Childhood
trauma of drinking that stuff has put me off it. Fact is, I don't use
much milk at all, really, so it's just not an issue.
