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Kswck Kswck is offline
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Default Country fried club steaks

"Nancy2" > wrote in message
On Jun 28, 5:37 pm, aem > wrote:
> On Jun 28, 1:05 pm, "Kswck" > wrote:
> > Only eat it out-never make it at home. Let's face it-it aint good for
> > you.

> That seems backwards to me. If you eat it at a restaurant (or diner,
> more likely) it's much more likely to be unhealthy, if by unhealthy
> you mean mystery meat saturated in unknown fat. If you make it at
> home there's nothing difficult about using good meat and very little
> oil at a proper temperature so the end product is no threat to your
> health whatsoever. -aem

I'm with you, aem - I would never order it out unless I really knew
the diner well. At diners or restaurants, it's "mystery meat," and
often the cuts are so cheap that they are filled with inedible
gristle. The gravy covers all the nasties, so you don't know what
you're eating until it's too late.

I like my homemade country fried steak - and to the OP, there are
hundreds of things eaten every day by all of us that aren't
particularly healthy - that doesn't mean one can't indulge now and


To clarify: I don't make it at home because I do not deep fry.