Thread: Square milk!
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Sheldon Sheldon is offline
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Default Square milk!

On Jul 2, 5:05Â*pm, Lou Decruss > wrote:
> On Wed, 02 Jul 2008 17:01:28 -0400, Dave Smith
> > wrote:
> >Sheldon wrote:

> >> On Jul 1, 10:05�am, "Nancy Young" > wrote:
> >> > Sheldon wrote:
> >> > > Why not just buy powdered milk/detergent?

> >> > I am *not* buying powdered milk.

> >> > nancy

> >> My reply was regarding the shipping costs for water... so what about
> >> the powdered detergent. Â*I much prefer the powdered laundry detergent,
> >> costs significantly less for more, it weighs less... I'm not paying
> >> for plastic jugs, cardboard cartons cost much less. Â*And if ever an
> >> unfortunate spillage accident I can scoop/vacuum up powder... if a
> >> gallon of liquid tips over use your imagination.

> >Powdered detergents has fillers in it too. Some shoppers are suckers for
> >more weight or greater volume in their purchase, but they are paying for
> >fillers not detergent..

> Powdered detergent makes me itch like crazy. Â*It's like using Irish
> Spring bar soap. Â*I think they put Poison Ivy in it.

You probably have hard water, and because you have hard water you are
apt to be using more product than you need, so you are hit by a double
whammy. Liquid laundry product more fully dissolves and disperses so
it does rinse out slightly better than powdered. If you use powdered
you should add the powder half way through the fill cycle, then allow
the machine to fully fill and agitate for at least two minutes before
adding any clothes...if you add the powder with the clothes it won't
all dissolve, in fact you're apt to find clumps of powder adhering to
the clothes after the wash is completed... that's one reason why so
many manufacturers have added an extra rinse cycle option, for those
who have hard water and really don't/can't comprehend laundry. Irish
Spring is a rather potent product and it contains deoderant, with hard
water you are apt to use more soap and then with hard water it doesn't
rinse off very well... you itch because after you bathe you are still
filthy... you simply traded one filth for another. A good/honest
Dermatologist will tell you to bathe every day but that it's not
necessary or even advisable to use soap each time you bathe (and never
use very hot water - cool to tepid is best). If you have hard water
you are supporting Dermatologists. An honest Dermatologist will
advise you to have your water tested... for bacteria and hardness.