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sf[_3_] sf[_3_] is offline
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Default What do you like to drink when it's hot?

On Wed, 02 Jul 2008 16:46:31 -0500, Kathleen
> wrote:

>sf wrote:
>> On Wed, 02 Jul 2008 12:29:15 -0500, Kathleen
>> > wrote:
>>>I pull them out, top them off with tap water and
>>>use them as a supply of ice-y cold, chemically familiar water for my
>>>dogs during racing.

>> You race dogs?

>Yup. Flyball, a four dog relay race. They go down over a series of
>four hurdles, hit a springloaded box that fires a tennis ball, come back
>over the jumps and the next dog goes.
>To see my dogs in action click on:

Are they on YouTube? LOL! I hadn't heard about flyball before this,
but I'm out of the show (of any type) dog loop.

>Go to IFD-Skidz NAFA tournament 6/28/2008, then click on High Plains
>Drifters. My dogs are featured in pictures 3, 4, 5 and 7 of seven.
>3 is Scully, BC, 8 yrs old
>4 and 7 are Cooper, JRT 5 yrs old.
>5 is Zane, BC, almost 7 yrs old
>1, 2 & 6 are teammate, Tilt, JRT

DD has a high energy dog that is less than a year old. Maybe they
should get involved in flyball.

Thanks for mentioning it, I'm passing the information on.

I never worry about diets. The only carrots that interest me are the number of carats in a diamond.

Mae West