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TFM®[_2_] TFM®[_2_] is offline
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Default FDA To Tomato Industry -- Oops, So Sorry !!!

"sf" <.> wrote in message ...
> On Thu, 3 Jul 2008 01:02:51 -0400, TFM® >
> wrote:
>>It's cost the Ruskin (Florida) tomato growers millions.
>>I'm kinda bent on the whole issue, but what can I do?

> The FDA is lacking something vital, that's for sure. Take away a few
> assistants from congressmen (or higher) and give the FDA a few more
> scientists.
> Another thing we have to do is give OSHA some teeth. CAL-OSHA was
> crippled a few years ago. I don't know what happened in other states,
> but CA has to be just the tip of the iceberg.

OSHA needs to be shot in the head and disbanded.

As a carpenter, I can tell you that it's physically impossible to perform my
job and be even remotely compliant with their silly rules.

It's a dangerous job. Don't get into it if you feel the need for government
protection from yourself.

When OSHA shows up, we go home. They seem to feel the need to punish the
small businessman.
I'm a walking violation of 5 OSHA rules at any given moment.

The FDA is in the same category.
Less power to government agencies, more to the people.