Thread: gazpacho!
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maxine in ri maxine in ri is offline
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Default gazpacho!

I offered to make gazpacho for the 4th of July party we're attending.
Usuallly, it's just a throw-together of tomatoes, cukes, green
peppers, onion, garlic, vinegar or citrus juice and olive oil.

But I figured I'd check the net and see what other people do with

A lot of the recipes call for bread, soaked in either water or
water,vinegar and oil. Some call for celery. Some say puree and
strain. Others insist that it should be chunky. I'm ignoring the
ones that called for canned tomato or vegetable juice, canned
tomatoes, or "highly purified spring water." (I hate pretense, too.)
Seasonings run from salt, pepper, cumin,
hot sauce, worcestershire, cayenne and hot Hungarian paprika.

So, my mini-unofficial poll asks:

In Your Gazpacho:

bread or no bread?

Which Seasonings?

Chunky or pureed?

maxine in ri