maxine wrote on Thu, 3 Jul 2008 06:28:06 -0700 (PDT):
> But I figured I'd check the net and see what other people do
> with theirs'.
> A lot of the recipes call for bread, soaked in either water or
> water,vinegar and oil. Some call for celery. Some say puree
> and strain. Others insist that it should be chunky. I'm
> ignoring the ones that called for canned tomato or vegetable
> juice, canned tomatoes, or "highly purified spring water." (I
> hate pretense, too.) Seasonings run from salt, pepper, cumin,
> hot sauce, worcestershire, cayenne and hot Hungarian paprika.
> So, my mini-unofficial poll asks:
> In Your Gazpacho:
> bread or no bread?
> Which Seasonings?
> Chunky or pureed?
I've tried bread and no-bread and I prefer no-bread. I tend to puree but
not strain about 2/3 of the vegetables and add the remaining moderately
chopped third afterwards to give the soup texture. I do use a clove or
two of garlic, a stick of celery, some cucumber and often chopped
jicama. If I have V-8 juice available, I may use it but fresh chopped
tomatoes are better. I think it should have a slight peppery kick (hot
sauce or Worcestershire).
One thing that I find important is to serve it *very* cold and you can
almost freeze it and even put in some ice cubes to keep it that way.
Chopped green onions, cilantro and chives served on top of the soup are
an enhancement.
James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland
E-mail, with obvious alterations: