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Default roasting in slices

On Thu, 3 Jul 2008 13:00:22 +0100, "john west" >

>Novice would like to know if it's possible to get as good results by slicing
>lamb up into slices and laying in a baking tray in the oven as it would be
>to roast a whole piece of leg of lamb. Since I'm assuming it would say on
>time and electricity used?
>If so is there any rule of thumb as to how thick the slices should be or the
>length of time and temperature to use. All the information I come across is
>weight and times for a whole piece of lamb. Thanks for any advice on the
>best way to do this.

Sounds perfectly awful. Exactly *why* are you considering this
method? If you want to cook it quicker, bone it and butterfly...
grilling is better and yummy too. Marinade in olive oil, lemon (zest
and juice), s & p, chopped garlic and chopped rosemary.

I never worry about diets. The only carrots that interest me are the number of carats in a diamond.

Mae West