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Nancy2 Nancy2 is offline
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Default roasting in slices

On Jul 3, 7:00*am, "john west" > wrote:
> Novice would like to know if it's possible to get as good results by slicing
> lamb up into slices and laying in a baking tray in the oven as it would be
> to roast a whole piece of leg of lamb. *Since I'm assuming it would say on
> time and electricity used?
> If so is there any rule of thumb as to how thick the slices should be or the
> length of time and temperature to use. *All the information I come across is
> weight and times for a whole piece of lamb. * Thanks for any advice on the
> best way to do this.

The reason people roast whole legs of lamb is so that it will be moist
and flavorful partly because the bone is there, and it provides lots
of flavor.

To cut it and "roast" slices isn't the same - LOLamb isn't as tender a
cut as a chop, for example (which you can broil),and you wouldn't like
the result. Trust me on this.

If you don't want to use your oven, use a grill outside.
