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Karen[_3_] Karen[_3_] is offline
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Default roasting in slices

On Jul 3, 5:00*am, "john west" > wrote:
> Novice would like to know if it's possible to get as good results by slicing
> lamb up into slices and laying in a baking tray in the oven as it would be
> to roast a whole piece of leg of lamb. *Since I'm assuming it would say on
> time and electricity used?
> If so is there any rule of thumb as to how thick the slices should be or the
> length of time and temperature to use. *All the information I come across is
> weight and times for a whole piece of lamb. * Thanks for any advice on the
> best way to do this.

hmmm baking slices of meat doesn't allow the carmelization, or the
flavor that you would like. It gets "done" before that happens.

Applying heat is a good idea, of course, but meat (not just lamb)
needs large pieces for baking. If you broil them, that might work
