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ChattyCathy ChattyCathy is offline
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Default PING: Steve Wertz (Mae Ploy stuff)

I seem to recall you also like the Mae Ploy brand of products...

Lately, the masman (matsaman/masaman) curry paste we've bought doesn't seem
to have as much chili in it - it's still quite tasty, but doesn't have
that 'heat' anymore. The ingredients list doesn't have amounts, but "Dried
red chilies" is still first on the list. Have you noticed this, or if
you've never tried this particular product, have you noticed anything
similar in their other products?

BTW, I checked the 'best before' date on the package I used today and it's
March 31, 2009 - so it's not like it was really old stock or something...

Anybody else?
Chatty Cathy

Egg tastes better when it's not on your face...