PING: Steve Wertz (Mae Ploy stuff)
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PING: Steve Wertz (Mae Ploy stuff)
> On Jul 3, 12:07Â*pm, ChattyCathy > wrote:
>> I seem to recall you also like the Mae Ploy brand of products...
>> Lately, the masman (matsaman/masaman) curry paste we've bought doesn't
>> seem to have as much chili in it - it's still quite tasty, but doesn't
>> have that 'heat' anymore. The ingredients list doesn't have amounts, but
>> "Dried red chilies" is still first on the list. Have you noticed this, or
>> if you've never tried this particular product, have you noticed anything
>> similar in their other products?
> In the last 2 years I've only bought the red, yellow, and green
> versions (because I'm a colorful kinda guy). Not the matsaman
> version. I actually need to pick some up as I'm down to about 3 TBS
> left bewteen the three.
> Could it be you're just becoming accustomed to the heat? I know
> things like sriracha were really hot when I started using them, but
> now I use it like ketchup.
I also thought about the 'becoming accustomed' thing, but I am not so
sure... Reason I say this is because we buy the red, yellow and green curry
pastes too - but usually something called Cock brand (also imported from
Thailand) as I don't often see those in the Mae Ploy brand here. We love
green chicken curry, so I go through quite a bit of the green curry paste.
I bought some of that at the same time and have not found any noticeable
depreciation in the heat from the previous lot I bought.
Chatty Cathy
Egg tastes better when it's not on your face...
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