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Wayne Boatwright[_3_] Wayne Boatwright[_3_] is offline
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Default Dinner July 3rd '08

On Thu 03 Jul 2008 03:44:09p, jmcquown told us...

> A large, thick sugar cured North Carolina country ham slice (soaked
> about 10 minutes in cold water to extrude some of the salt) pan fried
> for a couple of minutes on each side. Creamers (tiny red new potatoes,
> boiled then tossed in a medium white sauce with lots o' pepper) and
> steamed pole beans. Oh, and skillet cornbread, yellow meal, no added
> sugar
> How about you?
> Jill

I haven't had country ham in so long that I'm really craving it. Your
dinner sounds delicious!

I was too lazy to make pizza dough, so bought some fresh dough locally.
I'm making a butter/white pizza with buttered dough, sun-dried tomatoes,
sliced mushrooms, slivered scallions, cooked and crumbled Italian sausage,
and blobs of ricotta.

I have to make the rub and prep the ribs for tommorrow, and will prep the
ingredients for a veggie macaroni salad.

Wayne Boatwright
Thursday, 07(VII)/03(III)/08(MMVIII)
A cat is only domestic in so far as
suits its own needs.