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Janet Wilder[_1_] Janet Wilder[_1_] is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 5,516
Default Dinner July 3rd '08

jmcquown wrote:
> A large, thick sugar cured North Carolina country ham slice (soaked
> about 10 minutes in cold water to extrude some of the salt) pan fried
> for a couple of minutes on each side. Creamers (tiny red new potatoes,
> boiled then tossed in a medium white sauce with lots o' pepper) and
> steamed pole beans. Oh, and skillet cornbread, yellow meal, no added
> sugar
> How about you?
> Jill

garlic, ginger and soy sauce marinated Keta salmon (fresh Keta was on
sale for $4.99#. Stocked the freezer) cooked on the gas grill. Zucchini
and yellow squash chunks, onion, garlic, green pepper, cherry tomatoes
(neighbor gave me a ton of them) and some had-to-be-used mushrooms all
sauteed together in olive oil with fresh basil, a little veggie broth
and a dash of Chenin Blanc. Home made cole slaw. Glass of Chenin Blanc
on the side. I'm still stuffed.

Janet Wilder
Bad spelling. Bad punctuation
Good Friends. Good Life