What do you like to drink when it's hot?
On Wed, 2 Jul 2008 02:11:44 -0700, "Nexis" > fired up
random neurons and synapses to opine:
>I am an iced tea gal. I drink it year round, and have for as long as I can
>remember. Lately, though, because of some medication I'm taking, tea tastes
>off to me, no matter which tea I use. Some days I can drink it, but some,
>not so much. Ice water is good, but lately I find myself wanting something
>What do you like to drink in the summer when it's good and hot outside?
This was a "two-fer," as I'd made limoncello and had *all* these
lemons sitting around with nothing to do - another "fun" recipe
follows that is mildly tea-based:
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2 cups sugar
1 cup hot water
2 cups fresh lemon juice
1 gallon cold water
1 lemon, sliced
mint sprigs, for garnish
In a 1 gallon container, place sugar and hot water, and stir until
sugar dissolves. Add lemon juice and cold water to render 1 gallon.
Stir until well mixed. Pour lemonade over glasses of ice, squeeze
slice of lemon on top of each, and garnish with a sprig of mint.
Contributor: Paula Dean
Yield: 6 - 8 servings
@@@@@ Now You're Cooking! Export Format
Picnic Tea Punch
8 cups water
1 family size or 4 standard size tea bags
1 cinnamon stick
3/4 cup sugar
1/2 cup frozen orange juice concentrate; thawed
1/2 cup frozen lemonade concentrate; thawed
8 lemon slices
8 fresh mint sprigs
Bring 4 cups water to a boil in medium saucepan. Remove from heat. Add
tea bag and cinnamon stick to water; let stand 5 mins. Remove tea bag.
Add sugar and stir to dissolve. Stir in orange juice and lemonade
concentrates. Pour tea mixture into pitcher. Add remaining 4 cups of
water and stir well. Chill until cold, about 4 hours. Discard cinnamon
Fill 8 glasses with ice. Pour tea punch over. Garnish each glass with
1 lemon slice and 1 sprig of mint.
Contributor: Bon Appetit
Yield: 8 servings
Terry "Squeaks" Pulliam Burd
"If the soup had been as hot as the claret, if the claret had been as
old as the bird, and if the bird's breasts had been as full as the
waitress's, it would have been a very good dinner."
-- Duncan Hines
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