Dinner July 3rd '08
On Jul 4, 4:14*am, Sheldon > wrote:
> Velvetized is to dust meat with cornstarch, this seals it so it
> doesn't dry out during cooking (whether stir fried or deep fried),
Oh, okay, I use cornstarch like that all the time, just not used to
that term.
The recipe/process sounds fine to me. In particular, trying to avoid
overcooking the beef is a good idea, usually overlooked. I prefer top
sirloin to top round for stir fries, and I don't like canned
mushrooms, but those are just personal preferences. This time of year
when I'm picking oranges all the time I periodically dry some thin
orange peel pieces in the toaster oven and toss them into dishes like
this. Classic Chinese uses tangerine peel but orange is what I have,
so it's what I use. -aem