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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Strawberry jam...big OOPS

Melba's Jammin' wrote:

> > It was not until a few minutes ago that I suddenly realized that I used
> > twice as much sugar and Certo as I needed for a single batch. Dang....
> > 14 jars of strawberry flavoured sugar jam :-(
> >
> > Oh well.... I will let it set and give it a taste.

> Bummer! Did it set? If it did, I think you're screwed.
> If it didn't, I still think you're screwed.
> I can point you to fixes that involve adding more pectin but they're not
> generally for a flub that involved twice as much sugar and half as much
> fruit as the recipe called for.

Not only did it set, it turned out well. It's actually pretty good. I had
some on toast this morning and was good. It's better than some I have made in
the past using the right amount of strawberries. My biggest fear when I
figured it was now or never for strawberry jam this year was that the berries
would be pale and flavourless like they were the last time I tried it this
late in the season. I found nice read, flavourful berries and, despite my
major booboo, it is quite edible.

> Mix it with yogurt or sour cream and use it for a fruit dip.

I can always do that too :-)