"Dominic T." > writes:
> On Jul 3, 6:28 pm, Rainy > wrote:
> > [...]
> > Does everybody use gong-fu to prepare oolongs, for the most part?
> > What's the split for you? If you do gong-fu daily or almost daily,
> > do you get used to it so much that it becomes much quicker and
> > easier?
> I used to handle it the way you are now, but I slowly (kicking and
> screaming) learned to change. My second step was to the three-piece
> ceramic tea infuser mugs which I thought was as far as I'd go, but I
> was wrong. I learned that a gaiwan is actually easier to use daily and
> that you get through more infusions which can be some of the best
> which would go wasted otherwise. It may not be full-on gong-fu, but it
> is a great way to handle it. The other benefit is that while it may
> not be full of grace and pomp/circumstance or truly slow and
> methodical, it does actually slow me down enough and is a great stress
> relief and break to my day which is highly welcomed. It becomes
> quicker and informal though which is nice because it seems like it
> would be a hassle at first, the tough part now is forcing myself to
> slow down properly when I *do* have the time.
This was *exactly* my experience. I'm drinking gaiwan-brewed 1970s
Guangyungong today. All day, unless something very unexpected happens.
Lew Perin /