Grilling Whole BIG Fish?
Sheldon > wrote:
>"Janet" wrote:
>> "kilikini" > wrote in message
>Mayo is esentially oil, but with a wee bit of flavoring. When heated
>it de-emulsifies and goes back to it's liquid state. Slathering fish
>(or any meat) with mayo is really just a way to help keep it from
>sticking to the grill/pan... works especially well with non-oily
>seafood... works great with shrimp... and excellent for shark steaks.
>Painting the fish skin with mayo is a great way to prevent sticking
>and add a little flavor (mostly a bit of salt will remain)... and what
>do you think tartar sauce is? After cooking you'll never know there
>was any mayo, you won't see it and you wont taste it.
I mostly agree but there are a few things that seem to cook
differently with mayo than with oil. Crab cakes, for example.
Possibly because they are just cooked briefly, possibly there
is something else at work.